Saturday, November 15, 2008

training . . kind of

Just done an olympic lifting type session today. woke up late and had no food . . lifts suffered

5x5 clean and jerk @ 180 lbs (grip started to fail on last set and dropped the weight on my thigh. . commercial gym + no bumper plates = loud noise and possible barring . . . nice)

30 seconds on 30 seconds off hang cleans . . 8 mins @100 pounds (again grip was being a nuisance)

then i decided to do some get ups. . . screw olympic theme . . gone out the window! haha

1+1 x 5 sets @ 75 lbs


speed front squats only with 120lbs but FAST tempo! like <1-0-<1-0


20 metres parking lot lunges (20 forwards 20 metres backwards) (one dumbell changing hands each step)

supersetted with spiderman climbs . .

like bambi walkin to the changing rooms :-)


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