Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Home Gym
i had to do an early session to replace what i was missing and had 20 mins to do so. . i was in no humour of lifting anything heavy i just wanted someting fast yet challenging. . .this is what i came up with :-)
6 rounds on the punchbag at a fairly high tempo
3 rounds of push ups and inverted rows
I done the 1st round with just bodyweight and thought 'ah this is a bit easy!'
and improvised! out came the chains and a swiss ball!
I generally regard swiss balls as a useless piece of equipment but i tried to utilise it in this instance :-)
the next 3 sets were done like this . . bit ridiculous but tough and a great finisher. . . i didnt feel so guilty after missing boxing then
click on the link below for if you want more! if not. . dont, its up to you :-)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage -- pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically -- to say 'no' to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger 'yes' burning inside."
-- Stephen Covey
I’m sorry but I received this quote from the facebook group ‘Inspirational Yoga’ and couldn’t help but take up on it! I have heard of the just say NO tactic in time management but never found the actual quote! Thanks ‘Inspirational Yoga’.
Now this quote does not only relate to time management! It relates to your body too! I know it sounds cheesy but in order to attain and/or maintain a lean physique you must say NO to a few things along the way. Things that hold you back!
Society – The number one thing you need to say no to is society itself! Now I am not saying you sit on your own in your room and eat broccoli and do push ups all day, I am simply saying that you need to say NO to the everyday ‘socially acceptable’ things that, well shouldn’t be socially acceptable! I’m going to get a little bit antagonistic here now so relax on the hate mail!
During my recent stay in Las Vegas I saw a lot of gluttony, stagnation and LAZINESS. I saw people in restaurants eating WAY TOO MUCH! I saw people getting taxi’s from one hotel to the adjacent hotel! But the thing that stood out most of all was; I saw these people on these little motorised bike ‘things’ I don’t know what they are called but they are NOT wheelchairs. I am not taking a cheap shot at people that are restricted to wheelchairs! But I am taking a shot at people who aren’t restricted to wheel chairs and STILL use them! Personally I think THEY are mocking the wheelchair users! They are ‘able’ to walk yet they don’t! They’d rather eat a load of nonsense and get fatter day by day! I seen this a lot in Walmart actually but this one instance stands out in my mind! A woman who WAS overweight but by no means obese was in front of me at the till. Now in my innocence I merely thought she was unable to walk and was actually sympathising with her (and thinking how cool it would be to have a go of her motorised bike-thingy) but when she was loading the conveyor belt thing at the till she dropped one of the products. Now I, thinking she couldn’t get the object (a tin of whipped cream if you’re wondering), moved in to help her but before I could she JUMPED out of the motorised thing and fairly proficiently SQUATTED down (technically perfect squat) and got the can of whipped cream! Now I have to admit I was ASTOUNDED! What the HELL was she doing in the motorised thingy?! She had no problems walking or jumping even SQUATTING! I just didn’t get it. I went silent for while, paid for my RIDICULOUSLY cheap bag of broccoli and canned mushrooms (I was on a budget ok?!) and headed back to the apartment. I don’t know. . I really don’t. She didn’t need the ‘thingy’ she was well able to move and she perfectly mobile. No visible limitations! Since when did this become acceptable? This woman was able to use this ‘thingy’ and not one other person in the queue batted an eyelid!?
I guess what I’m getting at is that society is accepting laziness and obesity as ‘OK’ and what you have to do is REJECT it with all your might!
Now let’s discuss your peers! You need to keep a close eye on these! I’m sorry and I know this prospect seems a little bleak but they love to see you fail. The abhor the fact you are dedicated to your training and nutrition (are you? or your at least trying aren’t you!?) and it drives them crazy that they don’t have the discipline. To them when you resist them fries and that ‘super size’ it OUTRAGES THEM inside. They would never EVER admit this! But to them every time they see you slip up or get a little injury they secretly (perhaps even subconsciously) love it! They love the fact, for that ‘split second’ you were no better than they are! Say NO to the fries, Say NO to the sugary cocktail, say NO to the CAKE! Haha ok you can have a bit of cake (only if its your birthday though).
‘Other half’ i.e. girlfriend, husband etc
Ah the other half, just think of all the positive talk you get from the other half ‘ehh you belly’s getting bigger’, or ‘oh, you used to fit in them jeans’ these sort of things can actually be motivational . . I’m not giving out about these! But the popular; ‘you’ll only last a week in the gym, you quit again’ is one to watch! It’s cruel but it’s TRUE. I’m not trying to split anyone up here, I’m merely trying to point out that sometimes you have to say NO, maybe just say it to yourself not out loud (to avoid an argument), but say ‘Yes, maybe my belly is bigger, and my jeans are tighter but not for long and NO, I will not quit’
Here’s the good one! Food being placed on front of you, at parties or functions or whatever, the server knows no better but you do! Let’s take the baskets of complimentary bread that is dumped on your table before a meal? NO! Do not give in! Even if company says ‘ooo its still warm’ or ‘its soo fresh’ NOOO don’t give in! They know you don’t want it! They are saboteurs! In fact my friend told me recently that after he started the new nutritional programme I prescribed (similar to that in His own mother (now I know she meant well) was trying to FORCE FEED HIM CAKE. Despite his repeated objections, she persisted! And when he continually refused she actually told him ‘your not eating right, come on eat the cake’ Ha, so now cake is right!? Ok I’m getting a little psychotic here but you ALL have been in that situation! Just say NO! Your abs will thank you!
Your biggest enemy is yourself! It’s REALLY hard to say no to yourself! YOU are the hardest person to convince! ‘ah ill be training later so I can afford to have this big smelly take-away’ NO. Or ‘ah dark chocolate is good for you’ NO. ‘Ah few more drinks can’t hurt’ NO. ‘Maybe just a small desert, ill start the diet tomorrow’ NO. You will try convince yourself that the negative behaviour you are about to undertake is ‘OK’ for you. . use your common sense and say NO.
Ok only 16 capital letter ‘NO’s. I thought I had more, I’m actually disappointed in myself!
If you want to learn more about lifestyle management log on to
Friday, November 21, 2008
Quick Meal Ideas
i know its one of the EXCUSES that some people have and if so . . .these 'quick meals' may not be the MOST nutritious or the MOST suited to your training but hey, they are better than a soggy sandwich or burger king!
1) i know people are going to be like : 'ooohh all the salt in that blablabla
2)ooo microwaves are bad
fair enough, i dont care if im in a rush im using the microwave! and i like bacon :-)
Nutrition Today
'quick eggs' :-)
scrambled 'omega' eggs (3)
LEAN bacon bits 75grams
Microwaved! haha i know its not the best but i was in a rush?!
150g slice chicken breast and pre made steamed veg (yes i bring a lunchbox to work if you care to mock me leave a comment below) :-)
got shipment of maximuscle supplements in :-)
so i slipped up and had some of the NEW PRODUCT 'maximilk' and a promax bar (not the US version theres a UK and IRELAND version thats much better :-)
Pre-post training/Tae-Kwon-Do 7pm (now)
1 scoop promax 1 scoop recovermax mixed. i make my own little mix out of the two as i prefer to have a little more protein . . .im afraid of carbs. . thats just me :-)
rest later but i can hypthesise it will look something like this:
Tuna 150g, sugar free beans 50g and spinach mix i got my hands on that is absolutely deadly. . . spinach, red peppers, red onion, and some other stuff . .
pre bed
cottage cheese with a slice of ham or something
scoop of Metabolic drive if i am feeling particularly lazy
Thursday, November 20, 2008
My workout today!
BW warm up
push ups, inverted rows, squats 10+10+10
i know i should have done more but i was in a rush! i had to go do the corner for Robert Gorman in the Boxing Club.
close grip bench (with chains) 5x5
bent over row 5x5
Bodyweight 'drop squat/speed squats' x 20
perform sets back to back no rest between sets i.e. set of bench, set of bent over row, set of speed squats . . . all in a 2 minute window! not a rest period as such . . means that if you move SLOW you will have very little recovery and sets will be back to back. . move fast and you have the luxury of a minute break after the 3 sets are complete!
i dunno why i used the chains in this instance. . wasnt working on anything in particular. . just like the feeling of benching with chains :-)
they are 10 kilo each chain. . at startof the movement they take away from your overall weight but add to it as you lock out! great for strength gains!
After i done that i went straight into some dumbell clean and jerks . . . good crack
5 set of 5 on each arm x 3 sets
these are tough no matter what way you look at them. either go heavy and lower the reps and/or go light and use them metabolically as a fat burner! either way they are savage!
after that i was like BAMBI on ice but decided to fire away and do some turkish get ups! (dont ever try to do a 40 kg get up after doing clean and jerks and medium grip bench presses my face nearly paid the price lol. . . you just cant lock your elbow out!!! . . ouch if it fell ouch indeed a SPINLOCK IN THE FACE)
well that was it i had to go to the club!
til 2moro!
get that into you
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
GUYS! Please STOP Making These STUPID Mistakes!
BIG MISTAKE # 1: Training Like A Professional Bodybuilder!
You are NOT a bodybuilder! Remember there's a big difference between building a better body and body building. Bodybuilders have a distinct method of training that suits their genetics and their superior muscle building potential. When the majority of people use a bodybuilding program one of two things happens...
1. They get NO RESULTS and completely waste their time
2. They actually back pedal and get smaller and fatter!
'But Why?'
These gifted individuals have the ability to train with a lot of volume and very little frequency and they can recover from it! i.e. they do dozens of straight sets and eat like a HORSE! (And let's not forget to mention the extra chemical aids a lot of these individuals will use!) Now to the average lifter this means doing too much volume and breaking down more muscle than is possible for you to gain back when you are recovering, and then get fat from the amount of calories you consume in the hope that you will gain muscle.
BIG MISTAKE # 2: Using Workouts From The BIG Name “Muscle Magazines”!
The workouts you see in the ‘muscle mags’ are complete nonsense! They are fabricated by a writer who possibly has NO training experience. Do you honestly think the interview that goes along with the guy in the silly pants and nipple revealing low cut t-shirt is actually him? Afraid not, it is a magazine editor/writer copying workouts from past issues. Come on you know all the workouts are the same!
BIG MISTAKE # 3: Taking Training Advice From Your Local Gym Muscle Building Guru!
Ah yes, the local Hercules. He knows it all! Make sure you train twice a day and do forearms on a Monday morning and triceps on their own on a Thursday evening because your hormone profile is better then . . . COME ON! He is juiced and talking garbage. The guy he learned it from probably knows a bit but the information you are receiving is 2nd or 3rd hand information that has been passed down from meathead to meathead. DON’T LISTEN!
BIG MISTAKE # 4: Only Lifting Weights and Working The Beach Muscles (or mirror muscles)
Monday = Biceps, Tuesday = Chest, Wednesday = Biceps, Thursday = Chest . . etc.
Does that sound familiar? Yea its YOU training your mirror muscles! The ones you see from the front! Well there are two reasons why this is just plain stupid!
1. Your body will not let one bodypart develop too much if its opposing muscle isn’t developed at least nearly as much. i.e. as a safety mechanism your body will STALL chest development if you have a weak back. It makes sense . . you can exert more force pushing than pulling. Your body detects this and realises its at risk of injury so it inhibits growth.
2. Even if it were possible to just train these muscles you would LOOK ridiculous. You need to train the entire body for a leaner, more muscular look!
BIG MISTAKE # 5: Training With Either Really Low Reps or Really High Reps!
Training with low reps and high reps have their place but not in the following circumstances.
1. You are a nuisance and lift far heavier than you are able to! i.e. you cant even do one rep of the weight you are lifting and need a spotter CONSTANTLY. Lighting it up HE-MAN. You cant lift it!
2. You DO reps to failure with a silly little weight until you ‘feel a burn’ and you are under the illusion that this is hard training! Sorry! Join the aerobics class you will build more muscle there!
BIG MISTAKE # 6: Training Without A Properly Structured Training Plan
Saying you will train chest and triceps today does not constitute a plan!!! You NEED to have a weekly plan and monthly plan and even a quarterly plan, depending on your training level and seriousness about training. Now I do NOT mean writing down every rep and every set you do IN ADVANCE between now and Easter. But I am saying you must address your GOALS! Are you fat and still trying to build muscle when you could probably do with de-greasing and burning some bodyfat for a while and stop eating that full chicken and guzzling 8 protein shakes every day? Just a thought.
BIG MISTAKE # 7: Assuming Your Making Gains Because Your Bodyweight Is Increasing!
That’s most likely all that's increasing, is your bodyweight! ‘I just want to be 200 pounds’ is a popular one in the gym . . sounds great. . but looks HORRIBLE in most instances! 3 cheers for the new guy in the 200 pound club who ate BIG MAC’s and ice cream and trained his chest 9 times every week for the last 2 years. He looks DISCUSTING! Yea that’s right. Being too caught up with that number is the main reason most trainee’s look ridiculous with their top off! They look ‘OK’ with a baggy sleeveless tank top but put them in a tight wife beater and you can see the MOOBS (MAN BOOBS) and that donut shaped belly button!
BIG MISTAKE # 8: Overdoing The DAMN Protein Shakes!
Having a shake in the morning then one at lunch with your fried chicken and then another after training and another after bed. . . ? You are going to get FAT. Now I’m not saying protein shakes make you fat but I am saying the accompanying 2000+kcals from the meals you had as well WILL! Have a protein rich meal and a post workout shake please! Your wasting money and storing fat!
BIG MISTAKE # 9: WASTING Your Money On Expensive and Useless Supplements!
‘Check this out lads I got the new ‘VASO JUDO PUMP 9000’ it makes you JACKED and PUMPED and DOUBLES STRENGTH, STRIPS FAT and makes you HOOOGE all at once and it also helps you LEVITATE and grow more FACIAL HAIR so you look UBER manly’ if you believe that sort of crap you deserve to be out of shape. STOP wasting your hard earned money please!
BIG MISTAKE # 10: Assuming That Woman Actually Like The RIDICULOUSLY HUGE Look!
Who really wants to be ridiculously HUGE? If you do, leave this website NOW. If you want to be lean and athletic and actually make physical improvements stay and read on. We aren’t plastic surgeons now so if you fell out of the ugly tree you stuck with that but we can however help you compensate. Ha, only joking I’m sure your not that bad. As you can see from our survey above 92.9% of women prefer the lean athletic look, not the big and bulky look. I don’t understand it I’d rather be able to perform everyday activities and sprint once in a while than be restricted by my size? That’s just me?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Athletic Body Shopping List
You’d be surprised how much people in general know about nutrition and weight loss. The have read
‘Huh? Shopping’s easy’. . that’s what I thought! But it turns out that people in their wisdom know what they should be buying and still they buy the opposite. They know they SHOULD buy veggies and lean meat and minimise grains and sugary processed foods. But still they persist in buying them! I think it is ingrained into people these days that when they go to the shop they must buy bread and milk. It must stem from childhood or something but it needs to stop if you really want improve your body, lose fat gain muscle whatever the case may be. In order to get real results your nutrition must be in order . . for your nutrition to be in order your SHOPPING list must be planned and arranged in advance. DON’T stray from it! If you buy junk you will eat junk. Simple as that!
Here’s an example of what an average shopping list looks like;
I’m going to have to write one as I don’t shop like this!
Cereal Bars
Hamburger patties
Hamburger Buns
Tomato Ketchup
Oven Fries
Ben and Jerrys ice cream
Total : $60 approx
Now Lets look at the healthy option!
Brown Bread
Low Fat Milk
Free range Eggs
‘Low fat’ Cereal Bars
Low Fat Yogurt
Weight Watchers Biscuits
Brown Rice
Whole Wheat Pasta
100% beef Hamburger patties
Sesame Seed Hamburger Buns
Low Fat Coleslaw
Low Carb Tomato Ketchup
Reduced Fat Mayonnaise
‘Low Fat’ Oven Fries
‘only 100 calorie’ packets of Oreo Cookies
Small Tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream
Total: $85
It’s exactly the same just more expensive!! In order to get the point across I mad this generic shopping list but I’d say it looks awfully familiar to 90% of people! You have fallen into a trap set by the confectionary companies that’s literally costing you 100’s of dollars a month and costing you your health. Too many people think that the ‘low calorie option is the way forward! Think of it like this; if a product (I have chosen Oreos because the 100 calorie packet thing cracks me up) has ‘only 100 calories in each packet. You are definitely not going to feel as guilty. . and what is the result? you EAT 3 PACKETS!!! Its inevitable! And plus the fact is the product hasn’t changed. . IT’S STILL JUNK just in a smaller MORE EXPENSIVE packet! Ah I think it’s hilarious! Anyway back to the shopping lists!
Number 2 looks a lot better than list one yea? At a glance anyway! But when you really look into it you realise that everything is EXACTLY the same. The only difference in the products is
1) The packaging is more lightly coloured and labelled with ‘100 calorie’ claims
2) The packaging is smaller
3) You receive less of the product
4) It is more expensive
5) It may be ‘a little’ lower in fat but this is replaced with sugar! (which is worse)
Neither lists have anything lean and healthy in there (with the exception of the eggs).
1) No Lean Meat
2) No green Vegetables
3) Too many sources of processed carbohydrate
4) Too much carbohydrate period! (Unless this person is a marathon runner or a triathlete they definitely do need all of this FUEL)
5) Too much SUGAR
6) Sesame seed Buns? (Oh like thats your problem. . not enough sesame seeds in our diet)
7) Cereal bars (aka bars of sugar)
Garbage ‘low fat’ gimmicky products that will actually make you fatter than their ‘unhealthy’ counterparts.
Now here’s how a shopping list SHOULD look (its not perfect but its and improvement!
I have the actual shopping receipt attached below if you don’t believe me
Steam Microwave Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower mix)
Roast chicken tikka pieces (diced fillet) (x3)
Cottage cheese (x 4)
Bacon bits (lean cuts for my omelettes)
Frikadellen meat balls
Peppers 3 pack (x 2)
Natural Yogurt
Cashews/ Salted nuts
Cashews/ Salted nuts
Total €27.42 ($35)
1) Plenty of lean meats
2) Plenty of fresh vegetables
3) Natural yogurt (if you must use artificial sweetener to sweeten it up)
4) Sides like cottage cheese (naturally high protein, low fat, low carb)
5) Nuts (buy small bags so you don’t eat them all !)
Now it is by no means perfect to look at and I did go to another store to get my
1) Blueberries
2) Inulin (fibre) rich sweetener
3) Spinach
4) Tuna
5) Salmon
6) Omega 3 eggs
This should give you a few ideas for your next shopping trip!
training . . kind of
5x5 clean and jerk @ 180 lbs (grip started to fail on last set and dropped the weight on my thigh. . commercial gym + no bumper plates = loud noise and possible barring . . . nice)
30 seconds on 30 seconds off hang cleans . . 8 mins @100 pounds (again grip was being a nuisance)
then i decided to do some get ups. . . screw olympic theme . . gone out the window! haha
1+1 x 5 sets @ 75 lbs
speed front squats only with 120lbs but FAST tempo! like <1-0-<1-0
20 metres parking lot lunges (20 forwards 20 metres backwards) (one dumbell changing hands each step)
supersetted with spiderman climbs . .
like bambi walkin to the changing rooms :-)