Monday, December 1, 2008

Prevention Is The Best Cure

Has anyone ever told you that prevention is the best cure? I’m sure they have but did you ever think of the reasoning behind it? It’s really simple, not letting something happen in the first place versus letting it happen and then fixing it afterwards. . come on, stop it before it happens and it’s a win-win scenario! I’ll use a little analogy to get the point across; you want a new car yea? Your old car is worth $5000, and you want to sell it. You could sell it for $5000 but instead you decide to crash it into a wall and claim the insurance for the same amount of money. There’s a lot of paper work and your premium goes up and to the same end result. .you got the same amount of money for it. That’s essentially what you are doing by letting yourself go in December! You are letting yourself go and then training REALLY hard in January and February only to end up exactly where you are now.

Oh, I know what you are saying ‘it’s only a week in December that I let myself go’ but lets be honest it isn’t really.

I’m going to be truthful, I’m a bit of a Grinch. From a professional standpoint i’m not really a fan of this time of year. Not because I don’t like the season, but because I see what it does to people! ‘the season to be jolly’? It seems like it has evolved into the season of gluttony and nonsense, followed quickly by guilt and discust! All I see are excuses! Half arsed reasons why someone can’t do this or can’t do that. .

‘oh I have to do my shopping’

This one seems to be a favourite excuse for skipping training over the Christmas these days!

‘Well everyone else is eating and drinking crap’

Well lead by example and don’t make a complete show of yourself this Christmas!

‘I REALLY will go hard at it for the new year’

Get REAL. What will you do between now and then? Huh? Make a mess of your waistline and leave yourself in the lurch for an unconditioned FAT and LAZY Christmas? I am being very harsh here but it’s true! And you know it. You are delaying the fact that you need to start NOW!

New years resolutions;

What a heap of garbage! If you were going to start January you’d have got off your ass and started last January! How long did that last? I bet you tried huh?

Truth be known you are setting yourself up to fail by setting such a ridiculous goal as that! The very essence of ‘ill start Monday’ or ill start in January is ridiculous! Think about it. You let what progress you have made in the last few weeks slip and back pedal for the entire month of December. So then even if you do start back in the gym on the 1st of January your nonsensical lifestyle has left you in a bundle and the Easter bunny will be calling before you get rid of the heap of Christmas cake you ate from your waistline!

That’s if you get that far!

Think about it you are creating an uphill struggle for yourself! You are essentially admitting to yourself that you are okay with the fact that no matter how hard you train and how strict your diet is you will only get back to where you are now in March or April. What a waste of four months wouldn’t you agree? That means you have a mere couple of weeks to get your arse in shape for summer! Get started now and stop being a nuisance to yourself (and me).

Oh I get it. . you cheated and started making a mess of things already! You took a break to go shopping and began buying the junk food already stocking up for Christmas . . STOCKING UP for Christmas! Where the hell did that come from anyway? Huh? People start buying the tins of sweets and chocolate weeks in advance! Do you think the shops are going to run out of chocolate? Eh NO! Get started NOW! Not in January, Earn your Christmas dinner, don’t give in to it! Not convinced? Well that’s too bad, you might as well keep off track and completely blow it! Or is it not too late? What if you actually lost weight and improved your conditioning levels BEFORE Christmas!? Sounds good eh?

‘But how would I do that?’

Well to be perfectly honest you need guidance! You need to structure your days over Christmas! Those of you who are off work for the Christmas and train on the way home from work . . plan your sessions. . train at home! Just because your normal routine has stopped do not let it slide!

You need to structure your week around your lifestyle not the other way around! Slot daily Christmas orientated tasks in around your lifestyle and training sessions. If you do it the other way around your training AND nutrition will fail because the Christmas lifestyle is not friendly!

I know, I know

‘Bryan’s Mean’

I’m okay with it. I would rather be the mean guy that helps than the nice guy that tells you it’s alright when it clearly isn’t!

Bryan Kavanagh BSc. CSCS


If you want to know how to beat the Christmas bulge and get started NOW,

Click here:

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