Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sprint Session

This is one i done today!
Sprint ONE length 20 m
Walk the Width 8 m
Sprint the OTHER length 20 m
Walk width 8m
now it gets fun. . .
Sprint up and back on one side 2x 20 m
walk ONE width
Sprint up and back 2x 20 m
Malk one width
Even more fun. .
walk width
3x 20 m
rest one minute. .
repeat x 3
took all of 8 minutes or something like that i will time it next time (20 mins warm up)
(i warn you i am still sweating and that was over an hour ago)
get it into you :-)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Stages Of Change

The majority of the population are in one of two stages of change. The are either in ‘precontemplation’ i.e. they are completely oblivious to the fact that training could be good for them or that they need change! They may or may not decide to EVER take part in training of any kind and this is possibly down to good genetics and the fact they don’t store fat easily. Yay for them! Sucks for us! Another large percentage of the population are the ‘contemplation’ stage of change. They are considering changing for the better and undergoing a transformation, albeit muscle gain, fat loss or conditioning. The problem is they have it in their head that its ‘hard’ to stay in shape. . that it’s a chore or something! Well it isn’t. . It shouldn’t be but the gym users have it all wrong! They have lost the drive to train!
Training is fun!
Training should be enjoyable . . not a chore! If you are finding it hard to motivate yourself and you are literally falling asleep lying on the bench maybe something needs to change? Change the damn workout! Do something different!
‘I’m bored stupid of this workout and getting nowhere but ill keep doing it anyway . . maybe next week I wont be bored of it’
Competitive edge!
All training/’working out’ (what a lame ass term anyway . . working out WHAT? Maths? The meaning of life? Get working hard!) Train for something! Set a GOAL and strive toward it. . don’t ‘work-out’ or you are setting yourself up to be a gym creep and fail miserably. . your training should have a competitive element. Not necessarily with an opponent but compete with yourself! Your previous unconditioned/flabby/skinny self. Beat Him/Her! TRAIN harder than Him/Her! Train like an ATHLETE! TRAIN TO WIN! Working out is for chumps!
Get MOTIVATED! As I said above. . you will get nowhere if you find yourself standing in the middle of the gym floor sleezing on somebody with a cute ass that just walked by. .save it for when your FINISHED the session. . your mind should not wander you have a job to do! GET WORKING! Set a goal for that particular session! don’t have a vague notion of ‘someday I will get in shape’ maybe next month . . or year. . GET STARTED NOW! Or you will NEVER get in shape, you will never achieve your goals, you will never WIN!
The misconception that someone who is in shape spends everyday all day in the gym, all day doing curls and running on a treadmill is complete nonsense! The ones who are in shape are those who have a purpose. The ones that are there for a reason! The ones that have made the conscious decision to TRAIN and train HARD! GENETICS MY ASS maybe you can look ‘OK’ if you have superior genetics but in order to look ‘GREAT’ it doesn’t matter what end of the genetic spectrum they are on it demands hard work! They train hard too ya know?!
The stereotype that the person in shape has no life and the common statement that being in shape is ‘not worth it’ has to abolished!
‘Its too much sacrifice’
‘its too hard’
‘I have a life’
What a load of nonsense. . so having a life is eating garbage and making a nuisance out of yourself nowadays?!
‘Obsessed is a word lazy people use to describe the dedicated’-
I don’t know who wrote it and I’m too lazy to find out
The ones in shape enjoy training, its fun to them but they do NOT over do it. . the only ones who overdo it are the ones who go for it hammer and tongs for 6 months then give up because they approached it all wrong! They didn’t take it like it is. . a change in lifestyle. A CHANGE! You don’t simply add the gym into your schedule. It becomes so much more than that but you have to make the decision first! You have to decide what you want and what you are willing to sacrifice for that ideal body you desire. It can be as simple as re arranging things in your life not taking over it. give it a go NOW not in January when you have put on 10 pounds. The 10 pounds you put on will take a whole lot longer to lose. Make the right decision and START NOW and stop procrastinating and putting it off!
Let me take this opportunity to tell you to get on over to the ‘12 days of fitness’ website and sign up to grab your free gifts! Seriously, I’m a contributor and I’m still going in to see what I can get for F.R.E.E. . you pay nothing. . it really is a no brainer! There is something in there for everyone!
Muscle Gain
Fat Loss
Lifestyle Management
Sports Specific programmes
Avoiding The Christmas Bulge (I wonder who wrote that one haha)
Come don’t just sit there go sign up here: http://www.12daysoffitness.com
There have been nearly 20,000 sign ups so far, don’t be left out!
Tell you friends we really want to make this BIG and we need your help!
Face book status! COME ON! give us a dig out! Spread the news!
Thanks in advance!
Bryan Kavanagh BSc. CSCS
I know I can be persistant! Haha
Sunday, December 7, 2008
It’s Been Long Road!
Did you know someone that just doesnt listen? Yea sure they took in the information but they didn’t LISTEN! They knew exactly what you were saying, fully understood, but still they done the exact opposite of what you are saying? I’ve had a few clients like that. . they tried my patience! One in particular though really took the biscuit! He had to get it REALLY wrong for him to realise that he needs to change something! He took all the wrong turns along the way. He made all the mistakes possible. Maybe sometimes you need to make the mistakes and learn from them in order for you to really stick to something. Otherwise you are just following blindly . . like a groupie or something. . .
Let’s start from where it really got interesting, you see I had been helping him for quite some time, helped him make weigh-ins and helped a little with pre fight nutrition.
In summer 2007 we had just boxed in an international tournament against a Nordic team (comprised of Swedish, Norwegians, and Icelanders. Instead of keeping on track the dumb antelope bought ‘The New Encyclopaedia of Modern Bodybuilding’ and after losing an small amount of bodyfat (and muscle because he wouldn’t listen and used to run 15 miles 3 times per week and thought that would burn fat??) in the previous few months, he was actually starting to get lean ~10% bodyfat but then he decided to follow Arnolds recommendations and eat 3500-4000 calories per day and train using bodypart splits and a bodybuilding style of training and ceased to train athletically! The result? He put on weight alright. . ! shot up to about 14+% bodyfat! For an international boxer that is a horrible bodyfat percentage to be at! After a summer of mistakes and 3-4 kilo’s of fat later he finally decided to listen to me!
He started on the programme early October. . he listened and trained hard. . but it really was too late! He just barely made the weigh-ins for the all Ireland boxing championships 2007. Tired and drained and not performing he boxed with all his heart in the 1st fight. . heart wasn’t enough against the slippery opponent. . heart will only get you so far he needed to change his whole outlook on his training and lifestyle!
Up until a year ago his training tools involved a skipping rope, a sweat suit, a treadmill and a sauna. No wonder he wasn’t performing. . he was training to lose weight, NOT FAT and certainly NOT TO BOX!
‘Weights? Ah they will just slow me down’ common misconception among boxers and couldn’t be further from the truth!
"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field." - Niels Henrik David Boh
Robert spent more time in the weights room conditioning his body and even longer in the kitchen preparing food that will FUEL his ambitions not hinder them than he did in the ring for 6 months after!
Fast forward less than a year and 3 solid months sparring with the best in the world in TOP RANK boxing gym in Las Vegas. . . .

Lean, Athletic, All Ireland Champion. .(he's still ugly though) : )
Find out more about the system Robert used here:
Let’s start from where it really got interesting, you see I had been helping him for quite some time, helped him make weigh-ins and helped a little with pre fight nutrition.
In summer 2007 we had just boxed in an international tournament against a Nordic team (comprised of Swedish, Norwegians, and Icelanders. Instead of keeping on track the dumb antelope bought ‘The New Encyclopaedia of Modern Bodybuilding’ and after losing an small amount of bodyfat (and muscle because he wouldn’t listen and used to run 15 miles 3 times per week and thought that would burn fat??) in the previous few months, he was actually starting to get lean ~10% bodyfat but then he decided to follow Arnolds recommendations and eat 3500-4000 calories per day and train using bodypart splits and a bodybuilding style of training and ceased to train athletically! The result? He put on weight alright. . ! shot up to about 14+% bodyfat! For an international boxer that is a horrible bodyfat percentage to be at! After a summer of mistakes and 3-4 kilo’s of fat later he finally decided to listen to me!
He started on the programme early October. . he listened and trained hard. . but it really was too late! He just barely made the weigh-ins for the all Ireland boxing championships 2007. Tired and drained and not performing he boxed with all his heart in the 1st fight. . heart wasn’t enough against the slippery opponent. . heart will only get you so far he needed to change his whole outlook on his training and lifestyle!
Up until a year ago his training tools involved a skipping rope, a sweat suit, a treadmill and a sauna. No wonder he wasn’t performing. . he was training to lose weight, NOT FAT and certainly NOT TO BOX!
‘Weights? Ah they will just slow me down’ common misconception among boxers and couldn’t be further from the truth!
"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field." - Niels Henrik David Boh
Robert spent more time in the weights room conditioning his body and even longer in the kitchen preparing food that will FUEL his ambitions not hinder them than he did in the ring for 6 months after!
Fast forward less than a year and 3 solid months sparring with the best in the world in TOP RANK boxing gym in Las Vegas. . . .

Lean, Athletic, All Ireland Champion. .(he's still ugly though) : )
Find out more about the system Robert used here:
all irelands,
gain muscle,
lose fat,
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Long Day Tomorrow!
'i dont have the time to prepare all that food'
'i cant get that in the deli'
'i dont have time in the morning to prepare food'
Prepare it the night before then!
Have a peek at the video! you will see how easy it can be! just because you dont have time (which is nonsense anyway) how many hours did you watch telly or check your silly emails for yesterday?! huh? that time could have been spent preparing valuable food!
but if you literally are strapped for time try this!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Prevention Is The Best Cure
Has anyone ever told you that prevention is the best cure? I’m sure they have but did you ever think of the reasoning behind it? It’s really simple, not letting something happen in the first place versus letting it happen and then fixing it afterwards. . come on, stop it before it happens and it’s a win-win scenario! I’ll use a little analogy to get the point across; you want a new car yea? Your old car is worth $5000, and you want to sell it. You could sell it for $5000 but instead you decide to crash it into a wall and claim the insurance for the same amount of money. There’s a lot of paper work and your premium goes up and to the same end result. .you got the same amount of money for it. That’s essentially what you are doing by letting yourself go in December! You are letting yourself go and then training REALLY hard in January and February only to end up exactly where you are now.
Oh, I know what you are saying ‘it’s only a week in December that I let myself go’ but lets be honest it isn’t really.
I’m going to be truthful, I’m a bit of a Grinch. From a professional standpoint i’m not really a fan of this time of year. Not because I don’t like the season, but because I see what it does to people! ‘the season to be jolly’? It seems like it has evolved into the season of gluttony and nonsense, followed quickly by guilt and discust! All I see are excuses! Half arsed reasons why someone can’t do this or can’t do that. .
‘oh I have to do my shopping’
This one seems to be a favourite excuse for skipping training over the Christmas these days!
‘Well everyone else is eating and drinking crap’
Well lead by example and don’t make a complete show of yourself this Christmas!
‘I REALLY will go hard at it for the new year’
Get REAL. What will you do between now and then? Huh? Make a mess of your waistline and leave yourself in the lurch for an unconditioned FAT and LAZY Christmas? I am being very harsh here but it’s true! And you know it. You are delaying the fact that you need to start NOW!
New years resolutions;
What a heap of garbage! If you were going to start January you’d have got off your ass and started last January! How long did that last? I bet you tried huh?
Truth be known you are setting yourself up to fail by setting such a ridiculous goal as that! The very essence of ‘ill start Monday’ or ill start in January is ridiculous! Think about it. You let what progress you have made in the last few weeks slip and back pedal for the entire month of December. So then even if you do start back in the gym on the 1st of January your nonsensical lifestyle has left you in a bundle and the Easter bunny will be calling before you get rid of the heap of Christmas cake you ate from your waistline!
That’s if you get that far!
Think about it you are creating an uphill struggle for yourself! You are essentially admitting to yourself that you are okay with the fact that no matter how hard you train and how strict your diet is you will only get back to where you are now in March or April. What a waste of four months wouldn’t you agree? That means you have a mere couple of weeks to get your arse in shape for summer! Get started now and stop being a nuisance to yourself (and me).
Oh I get it. . you cheated and started making a mess of things already! You took a break to go shopping and began buying the junk food already stocking up for Christmas . . STOCKING UP for Christmas! Where the hell did that come from anyway? Huh? People start buying the tins of sweets and chocolate weeks in advance! Do you think the shops are going to run out of chocolate? Eh NO! Get started NOW! Not in January, Earn your Christmas dinner, don’t give in to it! Not convinced? Well that’s too bad, you might as well keep off track and completely blow it! Or is it not too late? What if you actually lost weight and improved your conditioning levels BEFORE Christmas!? Sounds good eh?
‘But how would I do that?’
Well to be perfectly honest you need guidance! You need to structure your days over Christmas! Those of you who are off work for the Christmas and train on the way home from work . . plan your sessions. . train at home! Just because your normal routine has stopped do not let it slide!
You need to structure your week around your lifestyle not the other way around! Slot daily Christmas orientated tasks in around your lifestyle and training sessions. If you do it the other way around your training AND nutrition will fail because the Christmas lifestyle is not friendly!
I know, I know
‘Bryan’s Mean’
I’m okay with it. I would rather be the mean guy that helps than the nice guy that tells you it’s alright when it clearly isn’t!
Bryan Kavanagh BSc. CSCS
If you want to know how to beat the Christmas bulge and get started NOW,
Click here:
Oh, I know what you are saying ‘it’s only a week in December that I let myself go’ but lets be honest it isn’t really.
I’m going to be truthful, I’m a bit of a Grinch. From a professional standpoint i’m not really a fan of this time of year. Not because I don’t like the season, but because I see what it does to people! ‘the season to be jolly’? It seems like it has evolved into the season of gluttony and nonsense, followed quickly by guilt and discust! All I see are excuses! Half arsed reasons why someone can’t do this or can’t do that. .
‘oh I have to do my shopping’
This one seems to be a favourite excuse for skipping training over the Christmas these days!
‘Well everyone else is eating and drinking crap’
Well lead by example and don’t make a complete show of yourself this Christmas!
‘I REALLY will go hard at it for the new year’
Get REAL. What will you do between now and then? Huh? Make a mess of your waistline and leave yourself in the lurch for an unconditioned FAT and LAZY Christmas? I am being very harsh here but it’s true! And you know it. You are delaying the fact that you need to start NOW!
New years resolutions;
What a heap of garbage! If you were going to start January you’d have got off your ass and started last January! How long did that last? I bet you tried huh?
Truth be known you are setting yourself up to fail by setting such a ridiculous goal as that! The very essence of ‘ill start Monday’ or ill start in January is ridiculous! Think about it. You let what progress you have made in the last few weeks slip and back pedal for the entire month of December. So then even if you do start back in the gym on the 1st of January your nonsensical lifestyle has left you in a bundle and the Easter bunny will be calling before you get rid of the heap of Christmas cake you ate from your waistline!
That’s if you get that far!
Think about it you are creating an uphill struggle for yourself! You are essentially admitting to yourself that you are okay with the fact that no matter how hard you train and how strict your diet is you will only get back to where you are now in March or April. What a waste of four months wouldn’t you agree? That means you have a mere couple of weeks to get your arse in shape for summer! Get started now and stop being a nuisance to yourself (and me).
Oh I get it. . you cheated and started making a mess of things already! You took a break to go shopping and began buying the junk food already stocking up for Christmas . . STOCKING UP for Christmas! Where the hell did that come from anyway? Huh? People start buying the tins of sweets and chocolate weeks in advance! Do you think the shops are going to run out of chocolate? Eh NO! Get started NOW! Not in January, Earn your Christmas dinner, don’t give in to it! Not convinced? Well that’s too bad, you might as well keep off track and completely blow it! Or is it not too late? What if you actually lost weight and improved your conditioning levels BEFORE Christmas!? Sounds good eh?
‘But how would I do that?’
Well to be perfectly honest you need guidance! You need to structure your days over Christmas! Those of you who are off work for the Christmas and train on the way home from work . . plan your sessions. . train at home! Just because your normal routine has stopped do not let it slide!
You need to structure your week around your lifestyle not the other way around! Slot daily Christmas orientated tasks in around your lifestyle and training sessions. If you do it the other way around your training AND nutrition will fail because the Christmas lifestyle is not friendly!
I know, I know
‘Bryan’s Mean’
I’m okay with it. I would rather be the mean guy that helps than the nice guy that tells you it’s alright when it clearly isn’t!
Bryan Kavanagh BSc. CSCS
If you want to know how to beat the Christmas bulge and get started NOW,
Click here:
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