'If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.' - Mohammad Ali

That's just to spur you on. .
Did it work? Good. .
I have been hearing a lot of negativity among trainees lately, not just in the gym, but on twitter, facebook, and just listening to general conversation. .
Weight loss, abs and getting a beach body seems to be on everyones agenda but 'surprise surprise' nobody is doing anything about it. Each and every person that i encounter thinks it is too late now;
'It's summer, I cant lose all that fat now'
'Its May already, maybe next year'
I'm sorry to tell you but thats a loada crap. .Ali's Quote above. . its never too late and your NOT different. You can change you body, i dont care who you are or what your circumstances are. . You too can lose that stubborn bellyfat. . . on that note. .
A member of http://myathleticbodyspace.ning.com recently told me;
'But its hard for me to lose fat, and I lose muscle easily'
Initially i was a little understanding and compassionate until I had a look at his food diary on the My Athletic Body Space . .
bread sticks,
'just a little' cereal and
'seeded bread' frequented the menu. .
Lets just say the ensuing message was not friendly :-)
Let's be honest; It's ONLY May, you can lose a lot of fat in a couple of weeks, even if your holiday is in June or July, there's still time. . you know what your doing? Making big, fat, hairy, lazy excuses. . That's right . . I'm not going to sugar coat it. . you need a push. .
On that note i would like to make a blatant sales pitch. .
Theres still time for you to burn that last bit of fat for summer. . its only May. I know our friends across the water celebrated 'Memorial Day' yesterday so we've decided to make a silly -belated- offer. .
We have (well Ian did) repackaged abs and I think it will suit some people down to the ground.We literally took the 'Fat Loss Pathway' Out of Athletic Body System and Made ABS for Fat Loss
This is especially for people who just want a quick fix and a no BS route to fatloss.
You dont want to read through 100's of pages of information, you just want the workouts. . good old fashioned effective workouts. . well I have just the thing.
CLICK HERE to take advantage of this offer and to get rid of that last bit of fat for the summer!
but dont worry. .
We are taking the risk

If you dont like it we are taking all the risk. . 100% money back guarantee. . so if you feel like the package isnt worth the ridiculously low price we are asking then you can just send us over an email and we will happily refund it. . we dont want any unhappy campers :-)
So if you are already lean and dont have a little fat that you could do with losing then dont CLICK HERE
Sorry about the blatant sales pitch but i think this is perfect for a lot of people who just want to lose fat for summer and i know that there are some takers here in the Dublin gyms!
So stop making excuses and take ACTION today!
---> To Your Fat Loss Success :-)
Did i mention you are not alone on this journey. . I will personally email you every day for two weeks. Providing tips on how to address your lifestyle, nutrition and mindset. . how bout that?!
Click Here
Bryan Kavanagh Bsc CSCS
Physique transformation Coach!