In the past 2 weeks I almost lost hope. It seems that there are traps and pitfalls everywhere for people that are the PRIMARY cause of the current WORLDWIDE obesity and laziness epidemic. . and do you want to know the killer? They are just unavoidable! I was in Newry (northern Ireland) last week and seen this. . .

Come on! spinal surgery anyone? This sort of nonsense, crunches, sit ups, cat stretches, them weird looking push up stretches where the persons pelvis is still on the floor and they’re looking at the ceiling interesting stretch. . all completely contradictory to what your spine and the surrounding musculature is suppose to do! Stretching and mobilising a structure that is made for stability. . tut tut. . no wonder half the people I meet are complaining of back pain.. the INSTRUCTIONS on the products they are buying tell us to do these things and blindly we follow! Ever buy a set of dumbbells with a set of instructions of ALL the possible combinations of exercises are on there. . we, the buyer, feel compelled to do all of them then! Think we know it all and then weeks down the line we are injured! GREAT!
A couple days before I sent th interesting picture above I seen this. . I’m grinding my teeth as I write this by the way. .

Oh now processed sugar is good for you : ) haha
High carbohydrate low fat diets are good for you now. . .interesting. .
Ahh the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes has nothing to do with sugar now? Cool I’m going to buy a bag of it right now!
How in the name of s#@t can they make these label claims and sleep at night! Grrrrrr
And even better . . a member recently directed me to this video! LOL
Oh dear. . don’t blame me if I inflict harm on HFCS company owners in the near future : )
This ones better
Its true! We are being fed horse crap everyday! Think of the original food pyramid? 8-10 portions of grain a day. . did somebody say hippopotamus? Haha
Only eat meat or eggs 3 times per week or some crap I can’t remember? Its like they are trying to kill everyone or make them fat and weak!
Ugh I do NOT have a clue where im going with this but ill keep going . . .
Til next time